To share a collection, follow these steps:

  1. Click Resources.
  2. Click a collection you’d like to share or, create a new collection (see below).
  3. Click Share.
  4. Select all users you’d like to share with and click Add People. You may need to select a different building in order to locate other users.)
  5. Remove people if desired using the X to the right.
  6. Click Save Changes to complete.
Note: Resources within the Home collection cannot be shared. Create a new collection in order to share resources.

After you’ve added people, you can adjust permissions or remove members at any time. To set permissions or remove members, follow these directions:

  1. Click Resources.
  2. Click on the collection you’d like to modify.
  3. Click Sharing.
  4. Select Permission to adjust permissions.
  5. Click the X to remove users from accessing the collection.
  6. Click Save Changes to complete.