• Zoom is a video conferencing service, which allows our students and teachers to interface with each other in real time for more "face-to-face" connection. 
  • Some teachers may record these sessions so that they can be shared with students who may have missed the session or who wish to review certain sections again. 
  • These recordings will only be made available to students who are enrolled in the particular class and who have been given a link from their teacher to join the session.

Parents - by allowing your students attend these sessions, you are granting Saint Mary's permissions to record their image, comments and questions during the sessions.

Teachers – please be aware that parents can opt their students out of these sessions if they don’t want their student recorded. Student would then watch the recording, which doesn’t feature him/her at a later time.

 If a student is sick or unable to attend any school day(s) during our remote learning phase, parents are required to email the SMHS Attendance office

attendance@saintmaryshighschool.org within 24 hours of the student's absence. Students cannot excuse their own absence.