1. You will need to sign in with the school's Apple ID.
  2. Open the App Store by clicking on the upper left corner of the screen and clicking App Store
  3. Click on "Store" in the menu bar.
    1. If you are already signed in with your Apple ID, sign out.
    2. Click on "Sign In"
    3. For the Apple ID, enter: appleid@saintmaryshighschool.org
    4. For the password, enter: SMfam2020
    5. Click "Saint Mary's High School" in the lower left corner of the window. That should take you to a list of Apps*.  Scroll down until you find "ScreenFlow 7".
    6. Click the Cloud with an arrow pointing down to install.
    7. Click on "Store" in the menu bar.
    8. Click on "Sign Out"
    9. Please do not install any additional apps without prior consent form IT.